Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bibles and Tape Measure......

Grab your bibles and a tape measure...... O.k I know this is really cliche but I need your help! Well mostly God's help and the help of others.

Its a New Year and who is ready for a new you?! I have put on some L B's...... at our house that is code for pounds. I have gained a lot of weight. Now I can NOT tell you how much weight because I would not dare step foot on a scale! Never Have Never Will! I stop that when I was 14. Why? Because ladies it is cruel!!

It's all about the tape measure and how you fit in those favorite jeans. Especially when you work out. Because you are gaining muscle, shrinking around those hips and losing fat. I am one of those ladies who, "baby got back!" That's code for butt! Now, I have a little to much right now! To many biscuits (I don't really like biscuits, but who lives on a farm and doesn't like biscuits) Cake, pumpkin pie, whip cream. Woooo! This is a diet post!

This is not your cabbage diet, rice diet, air and water diet! Although fresh air and water is essential for health!

This is your Daniel Diet.........

Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Daniel 1:8

Please test your servant for ten day's: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see. Daniel 1:12-13

Now this is not a debate between Vegans, vegetarians and meat lovers. This is my way of trying to learn and love the all natural foods that God gave us to eat! Less processed and more natural. Fruits, vegetables and lean meats! Now I have done this before and lost a lot of inches and felt just amazing! Can you imagine what the royal foods must have been?! No I'm not a biblical historian and can't tell you for sure but I'm guessing they are a lot like what we eat today, everyday!

So anyone game to join me! Get out your bibles, read Daniel, tape measure and let's get started. I've got to look better when I go to Miami this Spring with my husband, I bet I will feel alot better too!!


Farmgirl Paints said...

Hi!! I love your blog. It's so fresh and clean.

I appreciate the fact you've never weighed in your life. What an accomplishment. That says alot about you. I love the idea of just a tape measure and following Daniel's advice in scripture.

I too packed on the weight over the holidays. Happens every year.

Anyway thanks for the encouragement. You have a beautiful family:)

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