Monday, January 4, 2010

Best Friends...

Every Girl needs a best friend. If you dont have one, I suggest finding one. Hunt her down, climb that mountain, search the deep. O.K you know what I mean.

My best friend and I have known each other for 22 years now. We have spent 100's of miles apart, we have lost touch and not spoken. Not because we were mad at each other but because we all have lives and get busy! Busy with family, husbands, careers, travel and whatever else occupies a girls time. We have brought each other out of the depths of life and the high's.

This past week, she came to visit and brought me out of the depths of exhaustion from the holiday's, anger at my husband and just plan neglect of myself. You ask why was I mad at my husband?! Because I am a married women and sometimes we just get mad at our husbands! No real reason! Just tired, overwhelmed, living in the middle of no where, remodeling, the holiday's and a gazillion visitors. He is the easiest target! We hurt the ones we love the most, sometimes.....Right!

Well my best friend made me feel so much better. She left the city, a great career for 4 day's and came to spend New Years with me in the country. We had hours of conversation, glasses of wine, she took me to get my hair done, a pedicure, shopping for makeup,  and Starbucks coffee! And she didn't let me pay for one dime of it!!!

So this is a tribute to Best Friends!!! Thank you! I Love you and I am so grateful for you and all Best Friends out there! God Bless You all and when the times right..... may I be the same for you!!!!


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