I can't believe how fast the years have gone by. Anna is now 8 yrs old and sweeter than ever!! It has been so much fun being her mommy, I have enjoyed watching her grow into a beautiful young lady!! Happy 8th Birthday Boogey!! We love you so much!!
We are a family of 7 brave and new to the farm life. My husband and I have 5 daughters. Two of them have entered the teen years, the other three are 9, 5 and 3. Not to mention the beginning of mothering tween daughters. We moved from the Big City a little over a year ago, to a beautiful 70 year old farm house. The house and farm has been one families home
for over a 150 years. The original house burnt down in the 1930's and the family, with 5 daughters
and 2 boy's rebuilt it. My family now occupies this amazing house. No, we have never farmed and don't know the least bit about farming or small town life! It is all brand NEW to us and we have felt like we entered a 30 year time warp. A new place, a new way of living and on top of all that remodeling, experiencing a economic melt down and entering the new stage of mothering!! TEENS!
Yes, at time's I feel I have entered the twilight zone or experience some personal melt downs. Questions everyone ask us: Why in the world are you here in Small Town, in the middle of no where, GA.? Those five Girls are YOURS? So join me in my adventure and don't worry, sometimes
I have no idea what I'm doing!!
copyright 2007-2010 by Robin @ Yuppies Gone Homesteading
All materials published on this blog are copyrighted. If you desire to use or publish any pictures or blogs from this site please contact me for permission! Thanks for your understanding.
12For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
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